Wednesday, 1 September 2021

In a Hair Graft, does the hair from the donor area grow back?


Everyone is clear that the key to a hair graft is that the hair transplanted to the recipient area, after a while, grows back and never falls out again. It is this that makes FUE Hair Transplant in Delhi the only truly definitive solution against baldness. But is it just as clear what happens to the donor area? Is this area, where the follicles genetically immune to alopecia are extracted, is left without hair after the intervention? It is a common doubt and concern in many patients, so we are going to dedicate this post to trying to solve it.

First of all: how is the hair graft process?

Hair microsurgery consists of selecting the most suitable follicular units, extracting them with precision from the donor area of ​​the patient, preserving them and reimplanting them follicle by follicle in the recipient area, respecting the angle and natural depth of the hair. The procedure is minimally invasive, so recovery is quick and does not leave scars. Thus, a natural and permanent result is obtained that does not damage the scalp, explains the hair transplant surgeon in Delhi.

During the first weeks after the Hair Transplant in Delhi, the postoperative recovery phase occurs, which usually includes redness, swelling, itching and crusting. After this period, the grafts have already taken root and healed, and it only remains to wait for the hair to grow back progressively over the following months. Although the new hair can be seen almost completely from the third or fourth month, usually it is not until the year when the definitive results are obtained. A relatively long process, but definitely worth it, says the hair transplant doctor in Delhi.

What is the donor area for a hair graft? Where do you get my hair from?

The one known as the donor zone covers the entire occipital and temporal area of ​​the scalp. That is, the entire region located between the crown and the nape, as well as the sides of the head between the ears and the temples. The follicles in this entire area are immune to the negative effects of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the main hormone responsible for androgenic alopecia. Therefore, even if they are transplanted to another part of the scalp, they will still not be affected by the fall, explains the hair transplant doctor in Delhi.

The key question: does donor hair grow back in a hair graft?

The quick (and reassuring) answer is yes. Hair grafting is not about changing the area of ​​baldness. But how is it possible for hair to grow back in the donor area if the follicles have been removed? The explanation lies in the fact that the same follicular unit can contain between 1 and 4 hairs (2.2 on average). Therefore, what is done is not to extract all the follicles present in the donor area, but to select the most suitable (those that contain the most hairs), taking care at the same time not to remove all of them from the same point, but distributed throughout the area, explains the hair transplant surgeon in Delhi.

In this way, enough hair is obtained to repopulate the recipient area without leaving the donor area deserted. The follicles that remain in the donor area (which are shaved to perform the intervention) grow back naturally and, in doing so, more than cover what has been extracted. All this is of vital importance, since it is the follicular density of the donor area that defines the suitability of a patient to undergo a graft, in addition to marking the limit of follicles that can be transplanted without affecting the appearance of said region, says the hair transplant doctor in Delhi.

Evolution of the donor area of ​​a hair graft: 2 weeks after the intervention

Having clarified that the hair does grow back in the donor area after the hair graft, we are going to see in a little more detail how the process evolves. 

2 days later

As a result of the anaesthesia and the punctures, the area of ​​the neck is left with a sensation like “corking” after the intervention. After two days, sensitivity returns. As a negative counterpoint, a certain itch may also appear with it. It is very important not to scratch to relieve the itch, but to apply saline or a mild topical pain reliever.

4 or 5 days later

Small scabs or skin scales begin to appear, as a result of the healing of the incisions made. They should be allowed to fall naturally, without scratching or tearing, to avoid visible scars. It is advisable to thoroughly wash the area with warm water and neutral shampoo. During this phase it is still normal to feel certain discomforts, such as itching or a feeling of tightness, which can usually be tolerated without the need to resort to painkillers.

1 week later

The swelling and scabs will become increasingly unnoticeable. Little by little the area will be fully recovered, allowing the hair to grow back.

2 weeks later

After two weeks, all the discomfort will have disappeared, and it only remains to wait for the hair to grow naturally, thus hiding any trace of the intervention.

Fear not, the hair graft technique has evolved a lot and gives very good results. If you still have doubts, contact the best hair transplant doctor in Delhi for more info.

Thursday, 1 July 2021

Types of Recession in The Hair

The recesses are usually the first symptom that the hair is falling out. At first, they will be priceless, but over time they can become pronounced. In the beginning they can be even attractive if you maintain a good density of hair on the rest of the head. You can also hide them in this case. Best hair transplant surgeon in Delhi explains how you have to monitor them so that they do not turn into generalized alopecia.

Am I going bald?

The first person who can notice that something is happening with your hair is you. How? Because when you get up you see that a lot of hair remains on the pillow, because when you comb your hair, it is more protagonist in the comb, because you are left with a lot of hair in your hand... These are just a few examples of the first signs that indicate that something it does not go well with your hair. You do not notice entrances or crown, but you do see that, as you continue like this, over time you will begin to see them.

It may be happening that it is a temporary drop caused by a certain factor, and even seasonal. Hair loss is much more common in autumn than in summer. That is why it is best that you go to the hair transplant doctor in Delhi to tell him your concerns and he will be the one who makes the best diagnosis.

At what age can the tickets appear? 

Tickets can appear from the age of 20. It can be the first symptom of what you call premature baldness or androgenetic alopecia, also known as common baldness. The medical explanation has to do with hormones. Specifically in the hair follicle there is an enzyme (alpha-5 reductase) that transforms testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. This process is what causes hair loss. It has been shown that in people with so-called premature baldness the amount of this enzyme is higher and its activity also.

After the appearance of the recession, the key is to see how quickly these recessions are gaining space on your scalp. This process may be slow or very slow. 

From the recession we go to total baldness...

We just said it: The hairline can be the first sign of the way to total baldness. There is a scale, the so-called Hamilton-Norwood, which classifies alopecia at different levels so that specialists can apply one treatment or another. There are up to seven degrees depending on the baldness, which determine how advanced the alopecia is.

In grade II is when the recession begins to appear. In general, this stage can last until past 40 years and there is still no talk of alopecia as such. That is why before we also said that you have to see how quickly they progress.

The problem is when the crown begins to lighten, then the entire upper part of the head... Until you reach the last degree, VII, which is when generalized alopecia is already considered. At this level only a very narrow section of hair remains at the back of the head. It is the most chronic degree of common alopecia.

Is there a solution to avoid receding hair? 

The first thing that exists is the solution to hide them. If you have recesses but you have a lot of hair on the rest of your head, you can choose several types of haircuts to hide them:

  • With gradients. As your hair has different levels and textures, the entrances fit perfectly and blend into the hairstyle. The most typical is the one done by leaving the neck area and the sides shorter. 
  • With very short hair. It does not get shaved but we do it with a machine cut with the cut level at 1, 2 or 3. 
  • Shaved hair. If you already want to cut your losses, this is the option that many choose. Of course, you have to have a nice head shape so that it suits you much more. 

If you are not convinced by these types of solutions to hide them, and what you want is to have hair again in the area of ​​the entrances, go for best hair transplant in Delhi.

The latest technology at the service of your hair with the FUE Hair Transplant

The only solution to regain hair at the entrances is through a hair graft. In this sense, the FUE hair transplant in Delhi is the most advanced. It is so called because it refers to Follicular Unit Extraction. This means that the follicles are carefully extracted from the donor area one by one thanks to the highest quality instruments. By doing this extraction so precisely, not only the largest number of follicular units are preserved, but also the highest quality ones. Subsequently, these follicles are implanted in the recipient area, considering both the angle and the depth of insertion. You go back to having your own hair in an area where you no longer thought it was possible.

It may be that for the area of ​​the entrances it is worth you with around 1,800 follicles to cover them, a cheaper option than that of unlimited follicles. The hair transplant surgeon in Delhi will be the one who best indicates what is best for you.

How is this procedure at Dr Dutt Hair Transplant Clinic in Delhi

The procedure is patient-centered from the first visit until after the intervention. We explain it to you below:

On the first visit, our team of specialists will carry out a complete study of your case. In this way, we will analyze your needs and we can guarantee total security and optimal results. 

Already in the intervention, a first part of the review and design of the receiving area is carried out. Anesthesia is applied and the entire process of removal and conservation of follicles and their subsequent implantation is carried out. The intervention time will depend on the number of follicles to be implanted.

After the procedure, the specialists will tell you everything you have to do.

Saturday, 19 June 2021

Hair transplantation: How is the postoperative?


One of the most frequently asked questions when having a hair transplant in Delhi is what the postoperative period will be like. Hair transplantation is currently a minimally invasive surgery performed under local anesthesia that allows rapid recovery and incorporation into social and occupational activities. Let’s see it in detail.

How long does a hair transplant take?

Hair transplantation is currently performed with the micrograft technique. Although the duration of the surgery will depend on the extent of the alopecia of each patient and the subtype of micrograft technique that is performed (strip or FUE), we can say that the intervention lasts an average of 6 hours. This surgical time is necessary so that the members of the hair transplant team (1-2 hair surgeons, 4-5 technicians and 1-2 nurses) can correctly carry out the process of separation, preparation and implantation of the micrografts “hair by hair”. During surgery, which is performed under local anesthesia, the patient may be given a sedative so that you are relaxed during the procedure.

In our Hair Transplant Unit, we have incorporated the presence of an anesthetist during surgery, which allows us to optimize safety and achieve an optimal degree of sedation for the patient, which improves their intraoperative experience, explains the hair transplant surgeon in Delhi.

How are the days after the hair transplant?

Medical recovery from a hair transplant in Delhi is usually quick. The night of the intervention, pain may appear in the donor area, which usually responds well to the usual analgesic treatment. The day after the intervention, it is common for an edema of the forehead to occur caused by the “lowering” of local anesthesia from the scalp, the effect of gravity. This frontal edema does not require treatment and subsides in 1-2 days.

In the recipient area, the micrografts are perceived in the first days as “small scabs” on a basis of redness. Within a few days the scabs are shedding. On a cosmetic level, the signs of a hair transplant are usually perceived during the first days after surgery. We can say that from the 5th or 6th day the patient (or the patient) can return to their socio-occupational activity, says the hair transplant surgeon in Delhi.

What care should the patient follow after a hair transplant?

General postoperative measures include: Taking antibiotics and anti-inflammatories for 4 days Relative rest 24 hours Avoid exercise for 15 days Follow a special hair washing protocol, which is individualized in each case. From day 15, the patient can lead a normal life in all senses.

When is the result observed? Is there a sudden improvement in hair density?

For better or for worse, the growth of transplanted hair is a slow process that takes several months to observe. In general, no improvement is usually observed until the 6th month after surgery, and from there the follicles of the transplanted follicular units emerge sequentially, this growth being maximum at 10-12 months. During that time, the improvement in capillary density is progressive, since the follicles grow sequentially, being a very gradual process and not usually “noticed” as a sudden improvement that can “give away” that this hair is the result of hair transplantation.

Therefore, we can say that the final cosmetic result of a hair transplant in Delhi is obtained a year after it has been performed, and that the change will not be overnight, but will be progressive in a few months, which prevents our social and work environment relate this improvement to the hair transplant.

In summary, hair transplantation is nowadays a minimally invasive technique that allows the patient to quickly join his social and occupational activities – less than 1 week. The result of the hair transplant in Meerut begins to be observed from the 6th month after surgery, progressively reaching the maximum effect one year after surgery.

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

Hair transplant: how it is done, before and after, risks and price


Hair loss can cause discomfort for both men and women, in a way that undermines self-esteem and quality of life. Therefore, the hair transplant can be an alternative for cases that do not resolve with other types of treatment.

It is a technique that began with Japanese doctors between the 1930s and 1940s, but only in 1950 did it solidify as a safe and effective procedure for hair growth in bald regions.

Check, below, in which cases the treatment is or is not indicated, which are the main precautions and more.

What is a hair transplant?

The transplant is the removal of healthy hair follicles from a region of the head and their transplantation in the area where there is baldness.

The most modern technique of hair transplantation is the FUE technique (from the acronym in English “Follicular Unit Extraction”), popularly known as hair by hair.

In it, the follicles are extracted individually with a special type of circular scalpel, the so-called punch, and then transplanted in the bald area, also individually.


The indication for the procedure should be made by a specialist, but it usually involves a complaint of hair loss.

The hair transplant in Delhi is the most radical and costly alternative, so before it other therapies must be tried, such as shampoo, laser, lotion, cream and the like.

Still, it is necessary to investigate the cause of hair loss, as some conditions do not respond well even to the transplant.

Therefore, the main indication for hair transplant is androgenetic alopecia, which is nothing more than baldness of genetic origin.

In general, there is no minimum age for surgery, only the presence of a bald area is taken into account. Therefore, young patients can undergo the procedure.

How is done?


Before the procedure, the patient needs to undergo an evaluation with a plastic surgeon or dermatologist you trust. The hair transplant surgeon in Delhi will order preoperative tests, such as a complete blood count, to check your general health.

Depending on the professional’s technique, it may be necessary to shave the strands with a hair machine.

The hair transplant surgeon in Delhi uses local anesthesia and light sedation, but the patient is awake throughout the procedure.


The length of the hair transplant procedure depends on the number of follicles the patient needs. But it takes, on average, 6 to 8 hours.


After the operation, the patient is released home and returns to the office or clinic to wash the head. Afterwards, you will be free for daily activities with some exceptions, such as exercise and sun.

The transplanted hairs should fall out around the 15th day.

Before and after hair transplant

After surgery, the hairs that were transplanted will fall out by the end of the first month and between three and four months they should start to grow again. Therefore, the final result of the surgery can only be seen at the end of the first year.

In this post-surgical moment, the dermatologist is essential to recommend drugs and products to act in the strengthening of the new stage of the threads.

In many cases, the result is good, but it all depends on the person’s body, the type of hair and other treatments followed.

It works? Can hairs fall out later?

When properly indicated, the hair transplant in Delhi presents excellent results.

On the scalp, the hairs on the top of the head have male hormone receptors, whereas those on the side and the back of the neck do not have this type of receptor.

Baldness occurs due to a genetic alteration in these receptors, but as the follicles on the side of the head and neck are used as a donor area, the transplanted hairs will no longer fall out.


There are some types of hair loss that cannot be treated with hair transplants because they do not work.

This is the case of alopecia areata, a disease in which the body destroys the hair. There is another group of diseases in which hair loss is caused by inflammatory reactions, such as scarring alopecia.


As with any surgical procedure, hair transplant in Meerut has some risks, such as excessive bleeding, bacterial or viral infections, unsightly scars and poor hair growth after transplantation.

Which professional performs the procedure?

The doctors who are trained to do the procedure are plastic surgeons and dermatologists.

Where to do it?

The hair transplant in Meerut must be performed in specialized clinics and with adequate structure for the surgical procedure or in a hospital environment.


The cost of hair transplant surgery in Delhi depends on the complexity of each case and the number of follicles the patient needs.

Monday, 24 May 2021

Hair Implant - Cure Your Baldness


A strong and healthy hair is a normal concern in men, so when the hair becomes thin or falls out, a certain degree of anxiety is generated. Early baldness is a concept that is often associated with early senility. In women this situation is even more distressing. The solution to this problem is the hair implant based on micrografts.

Baldness affects more than 45% of men over 45 years of age and in most cases, it is called androgenetic, which is hereditary and much more common in men than in women. Classically it is observed in the frontal zone, crown and tonsure of the head.

The hair transplant in Delhi is carried out using the micrograft technique that consists of taking hair follicles from a certain area to implant them where they are missing. In one session 1000 to 3000 follicles are transplanted. The hair to be implanted is obtained from the nape region from where a scalp tape is obtained and is immediately sutured. This piece is divided into thousands of units that contain one to three follicles each.

These micrografts can also be used to graft eyebrows, eyelashes and sideburns, cover scars.

Final results are seen between six and nine months after the procedure is performed.

The hair transplant in Meerut has become a frequent surgery for men. Hair is a normal concern for men, but occasionally it produces a degree of anxiety, either because it becomes thin, falls out, or turns gray. Sometimes a solution is a hair implant.


It is composed of Keratin and essentially a collection of dead cells cemented together, in the form of spirals. Keratin is the dead protein that is produced by the hair follicle. The skin contains many follicles densely planted side by side, like in a forest. It also has sweat and sebaceous glands.


Living cells of the base of the follicle capillary has an active mitotic growth. An adult has an average of 100,000 hairs. A proportion of the hair follicles are asleep or in cellular rest, part of a normal cycle, but this hair is recoverable.


  • Lanugo: soft and fine without pith or pigment
  • Hair: it is also soft and without pith, short and rarely exceeds 2 cms. long, can be pigmented.
  • Terminal hair: it is long hair, pigmented, thick and with pith. This is what we normally know as hair.


It is the technical term used to talk about hair loss. On the contrary, the abnormal excess of hair, in women and children is called hirsutism.

Androgenetic alopecia is the most common hair loss in men and women and is related to dominant genes, that is, if it is found in inherited genes, it is likely to be expressed. This occurs only in that part of the scalp that has the genetic potential to be inhibited by Androgens, the male sex hormones. This form of alopecia is typically expressed in the frontal area, crown and tonsure. This means that other areas of the scalp do not tend to fall out and remain even in the elderly, allowing to obtain genetically different hairs to be used in implants if required.



They involve aspects such as cleaning, avoiding excess greasiness, not touching the hair with the hands at all times, avoiding hats that do not allow adequate ventilation, good quality shampoo, etc.


  • Zinc-based shampoo
  • Local therapies with injections
  • Topical medications such as Minoxidil and Finasteride
  • Medications to take, such as Finasteride


  • Flaps:  Those that move a large area of ​​hair from one area of ​​the head to another. These may or may not include tissue expansion previously. Partial resections of the bald area can also be performed, thus eliminating central areas.
  • Grafts:  There are various methods for best hair transplant in Delhi, which basically consist of taking small bundles of hair (with their follicles), and putting them in another place on the scalp, giving a doll-like appearance. The grafts can have a round or square base. Occasionally it is done on a ribbon, as for the eyebrows.
  • Micro grafts:  This is the technique hair transplant surgeon in Delhi uses today. It consists of taking a scalp tape with hair from the lower part of the neck, the defect of which is immediately closed, and the 1000-3000 hairs of this piece are divided into hair follicles of one and occasionally two units. It is the only method that has given a reasonably good result, although it will depend on the characteristics of the patient.