Wednesday, 21 August 2019


Before and After

More and more men and women are opting for a hair graft to recover lost hair for various reasons such as age, hormonal factors, stress or genetic causes. At this time, the innovative FUE hair transplant in Delhi for micro grafting of the hair follicle has become one of the most demanded for its effectiveness and its simple and rapid postoperative process after hair grafting.

In this post hair transplant doctor in Delhi explain the precautions that must be taken into account after the process of the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method . This technique, which has already become popular all over the world, is based on the transplantation of follicular units from the donor area (the most populated) to the recipient area, which suffers from alopecia and which wants to be covered with new hair. In a single session up to 5,000 follicular units are transferred (each follicular unit can contain 1 to 4 hairs).

What precautions to take after a FUE implant?

After performing hair transplant in Delhi it is not necessary to remain hospitalized. While it is true that there is the option of resting a few hours in the hair transplant center in Delhi under observation for greater patient tranquility, the postoperative period of this hair graft consists rather of a series of recommendations that the patient should follow in the tranquility of his home so that your process evolves in the usual way. These are some of the care after hair transplant in South Delhi to consider:
  • Work . Normally, the patient can join the next day. Although everything will depend on your job, since in which it is necessary to make physical effort or wear a helmet, such as construction, you must wait up to two weeks to join or even a month, depending on the case.
  • Sport . You cannot play sports during the first month. In the case of contact sports, such as martial arts, the rest period lasts up to 90 days.
  • Anti - inflammatories . During the first week, it is usual to take anti-inflammatories since it is very normal to have a somewhat inflamed head in the postoperative period of the FUE technique, product of the serum and anesthesia.
  • Activities that involve sweating . Activities that involve sweating during the first week should be avoided as much as possible.
  • Cap and hats . During the first three days the head must remain uncovered, it is only allowed to wear a cap that exerts little pressure during the first week and tight helmet from the month.
  • Haircut . It is possible to cut the hair with scissors after three months of the intervention and to pass the razor you have to wait six months.
  • Sleep . The first week it is advisable to sleep with an inflatable collar to keep the posture face up.

How to wash the hair after a graft?

After a hair graft it is recommended by hair transplant surgeon in Delhi to wash the head with warm water from the fourth day. The best way to do it is with subtle touches, without scratching and drying it gently with paper. Only from the first month it is advisable to dry with a towel. It is also from day 30 and not before when the patient can bathe or submerge in the sea or the pool.

In the donor area it is possible to notice itching and irritation during the first days so that physiological serum can be applied to relieve them. In addition, in the donor area you can apply some ointment or aloe vera gel that is as pure as possible.

Postoperative capillary graft

The postoperative period of the capillary graft implies a really short recovery period since the FUE hair transplant in Delhi almost does not create scars, only micro wounds that do not require sutures as in other procedures such as the FUSS, which leaves a large scar.
  1. 15 days . The most intense postoperative period in the FUE technique is the first fifteen days, when the area is more flushed and itching and swelling may be noticed. Small scabs appear that begin to fall from the week naturally.
  2. Between the third week and 2 months . It is the phase in which the follicles detach from the transplanted hair. Do not be alarmed because this hair will grow again without fall.
  3. From 3 months . The new hairs start to grow.
  4. From 6 months . A new regrowth with stronger and longer hair is produced.
  5. One year later . The result is visible in most cases with a completely natural finish, in which it does not distinguish hair from an implanted follicle from that which has not been.

Wednesday, 14 August 2019

What is the most effective system for a hair transplant?


At present, we are clear that, the FUE technique, is the most modern method for performing a hair transplant in Delhi. In addition, it is the most satisfactory technique for the patient and the one that provides the greatest success: natural and strong hair.

The FUE method of hair transplantation, is a modern and avant-garde method that consists of the individual extraction of the follicular units from the donor areas of the patient, which are usually found in the neck and neck. side of the head, although there is the possibility of other areas, for placement in the unpopulated areas affected by baldness.

The follicular units used in hair transplantation are formed by groups of 1, 2, 3, or even more hair follicles, and it is necessary that their extraction be performed under local anesthesia, to be a painless process for the patient. Your transplant will be done through micro incisions in the recipient areas. And we must remember that these follicles are selected from that area of the patient that makes the donation and that they are previously harvested avoiding all kinds of risk of rejection, so that they can grow in the area where they will be transplanted.

When choosing with whom to perform your hair transplant, it is essential that you choose professionals with years of experience like us. Professionals and hair transplant center in Delhi that offer the highest quality and professionals with a lot of experience.

Best hair transplant in Delhi without scar using the FUE method

As we have already indicated, there are several hair transplant techniques, but, without a doubt, the most advanced and successful method is the fue hair transplant in Delhi. Among the benefits of the FUE method, the following should be noted: its performance does not leave any type of scar in patients and is performed without surgery.

For its execution, local anesthesia is recommended, which becomes a painless process, with a short recovery period. And, most importantly, the result it offers is not only that of natural hair, but also of great durability. The areas from which the follicles have been obtained do not lose sensitivity and the capacity of this type of hair transplant is such that it also works on a beard, mustache or eyebrows.
In the hair transplant, the doctor should help the patient to have real, adjusted expectations about the results of the transplant. The goal is patient satisfaction and, for this, it is advisable that the transplant be done naturally, according to the patient's face, age and physiognomy.

Hair transplant surgeon in Delhi will use a micro surgical drill will make small channels with a diameter of less than 0.5 mm in the area to be repopulated, and follicles will be grafted into the follicle in the same direction in which it grows in hair and in the same angulation of the original hair. Everything is done in a single hair transplant session, in which up to 5000 follicular units can be implanted: plus 12,000 hairs; depending on the density of the donor area and, best of all, no sutures, no pain, no scars, and a non-invasive procedure.

Evolution of the hair graft in the first year.

The first results will be visible from the third month and the final results at 12 months after the hair transplant in South Delhi. That is why we remind you of some patience after having made a hair graft with the FUE technique. Remember that a year must pass to see the final result.
  • In the days after surgery, many patients will notice a slight swelling in the transplant area. This is observed from the fourth day, then disappear completely from the sixth day after the operation. Some small blood clots may be observed near the incision areas, but they will dissolve from the fifth day. In addition, the recipient area is usually reddened for several weeks.
  • It is the third week after the intervention, when the patient will notice the loss of the transplanted hair, but you should not be scared, as it is normal. This phase of hair growth leads to the loss of transplanted hair after each FUE transplant.
  • After two months of the hair graft, the hair will start to come out and its appearance will improve greatly.
  • It is between three or four months of the hair graft, when the patient notices how the first new hairs are born. These will be very thin at the beginning, but over time, their thickness will increase. In addition, it is common to find some acne in the area that has received the graft, but do not worry, in fact, it is a sign of new hair growth. Do not manipulate the grains, and you will see how they disappear quickly.
  • After six months of hair grafting, the patient will notice many changes. The new hair will be approximately five to seven centimeters long, and its axis has already begun to thicken.
  • Between the eighth and tenth months, the patient will observe the most notable differences after the intervention. It will have a much thicker and longer hair, and the appearance will begin to resemble the final.
  • It will be one year after surgery, when the patient can see the final result.

Can you cut your hair after performing hair grafts?

It is advisable not to cut your hair until after one month of the intervention to put on hair grafts and you must do it with scissors. You should not use a machine for at least one year in the transplanted area and at least 6 months in the donor area.

Once this time has passed, the care of your hair will be the usual thing that anyone does. The hair will continue to grow and can be washed, cut and combed in the way you prefer, explains hair transplant doctor in Delhi.

Choosing expert professionals will give you the guarantee and security of a job well done, of a natural and satisfactory result.

Sunday, 4 August 2019

FUSS technique or FUE technique, discover the differences

The FUSS hair transplant (or strip technique) and the FUE method are two of the most commonly used procedures of hair transplant in Delhi to solve alopecia today. Thousands of men and women have undergone these interventions after abnormal hair loss at hair transplant center in Delhi. But which one is the most appropriate in each case? Is there a better hair grafting technique than another?

We explain to you how the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) technique is carried out and what is the FUSS (Follicular Unit Strip Surgery), with its differences, advantages, disadvantages and marks after the intervention.

How the FUSS technique works

The FUSS technique, also known as the “strip technique”, is a hair implant method in which a section of hair from the donor area is removed with a scalpel by hair transplant surgeon in Delhi, what we know as a hair band. The wound caused by the removal of the strip, which is usually located in the occipital area of ​​the skull, is closed by stitches or staples, which are removed after 12-15 days.

Once the hair band has been obtained, it is divided into follicular units (part of the skin that gives rise to the hair) that will be transplanted in the receiving area that is desired to be populated. To do this, millimeter incisions are made in the implant area by hair transplant doctor in Delhi with each of the follicular units.

The drawback of the scar in the FUSS technique

The length of the strip removed in the FUSS technique can range between 15 and 35 centimeters, depending on the follicles to be implanted. Its width is 0.5 to 2 centimeters.

Obtaining this strip causes one of the main drawbacks of the FUSS technique: the scar. This residual scar may be visible after hair grafting, especially in patients who wish to wear short hair.

The FUSS procedure is much faster to perform (between 4 and 8 hours) than the FUE, however, the FUE is much more accurate than the previous one since it leaves no signals and allows more capillary units to be extracted, since there are more areas available on the head than with the strip.

But the main difference is healing, the FUE technique is much faster. The reason is that in this advanced procedure only micro wounds are created that do not require sutures as in the FUSS, thus avoiding the dreaded scar. Because the FUE hair graft technique does not use scalpels or sutures to perform the procedure, patients' scars heal within a day or two.

Thus, although it takes longer to perform the intervention, the results with the FUE are better both aesthetically (without scar) and in terms of hair unit extraction (up to 5,000 follicles).

Alternatives to FUSS: FUE method and DHI method

The alternatives to the most advanced FUSS method today are the one named FUE and the DHI technique, in both cases, hair grafts that do not leave scars:
  • FUE method

FUE hair transplant in Delhi consists of transplanting follicular units from the donor area to the recipient area, which is the one that suffers from alopecia. It is one of the most advanced techniques and is carried out with a micro graft procedure of the hair follicle.

The FUE technique allows treating the problem of alopecia in both men and women as long as they meet the requirements: the ideal candidates are people with hair loss in specific areas (such as entrances) and controlled. That is, a patient suffering from alopecia in the whole head or in most, could not access the FUE procedure.
  • DHI method
This is one of the latest advances in hair transplant in South Delhi. The DHI technique is performed using a tool (Implanter or Choi Pen) and consists of implanting the follicles directly into the recipient zone one by one. This technique stands out for its great precision and as an ideal method to fill the most specific and localized areas. However, no more than 2,500-3,000 follicles can be implanted, so the number of follicles is smaller compared to the FUE technique.