Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Frequently Asked Questions About the Hair Implant

What factors determine whether a person can or cannot undergo an FUE hair transplant in Delhi?
There are several. First of all, that the hair loss has stabilized, taking into account the pattern of a possible future hair loss. It is important to know the cause of alopecia and, where appropriate, treat it appropriately, to cut hair loss before proceeding to the implant. Then the density and number of follicular units available in the donor area (back and side of the head) must be determined, in order to have enough to cover the depopulated area. The characteristics of the scalp and hair can also condition the final result.

How long is a hair transplant session and how many are needed?
Each session of hair transplant in Delhi can last between 4 and 5 hours. As for the number of sessions, it will depend on the extension of the area that you wish to repopulate and the density that you want to obtain.

Is it necessary to be accompanied to a hair transplant session?
It is convenient since local anesthesia is used to perform the implant.

How long can you see the results?
Keep in mind that in the vast majority of cases the transplanted hair will fall after a week and will not start again until after three months (some before and others later), growing one centimeter per month, that the final results will not be clearly visible until at least 9 months have elapsed.

Frequently asked questions about the hair transplant

Does fue hair transplant the best option available?
FUE hair transplant uses hair follicles plucked from you back side of the head, leaving no scar. And if consider the result, it is the best hair transplant in Delhi giving almost 100% success rate.

Can you lose the hair that has been transplanted?
No. The hair on the nape of the head and the sides of the head are genetically programmed to never fall and will maintain this characteristic regardless of the place of the head in which they have been grafted.

Do all the follicular units that are implanted survive?
If the hair transplant doctor in Delhi involved in the hair implant intervention has the necessary experience, almost all follicular units will survive.

Does the transplanted hair require special care?
No. It will be enough to carry out the usual care that is carried out with the rest of the hair, even when it comes to the use of cosmetic products.

Can hair implants be made in other areas of the body other than the head?
Of course. In fact, you can repopulate eyebrows, eyelashes, areas of the beard and other areas of the body in which they have lost their hair, for example, as a result of a scar.

Can there be complications in the hair implant intervention?
It is a minimally invasive surgery, so complications, not frequent, will always be mild: infections, inflammation, redness of the skin, etc.

Monday, 21 January 2019

Hair Transplant With FUE Technique

The FUE technique or extraction of follicular units that is used for the hair implant in the treatment of alopecia requires a great experience on the part of the hair transplant surgeon in Delhi, since it is a microsurgery procedure that requires a lot of skill and precision, given that in each session they are extracted, one by one, around the 4,000 follicular units that are less than a millimeter thick and that would be useless if damaged during the procedure.
It is very laborious, but it allows obtaining hair follicles from different areas (back and sides of the head) without affecting the general appearance of the hair, in terms of density.
To perform it requires a minimum sedation, has a low risk of complications and recovery is very quick and painless, so that the patient can resume their usual activity immediately which makes it one of the best hair transplant in Delhi.

FUE Technique

Extraction of follicular units: this is carried out by means of a tool called punch (punches) of a caliber that oscillates between 0.75 and 0.9 millimeters, with which the follicular unit is surrounded and a small cut is made in parallel to the hair shaft and a controlled depth. This done, the isolated follicle is extracted with very fine forceps and classified according to the number of hairs it contains (from one to four). While the extraction of follicular units lasts (up to 4,000 in each session), they are kept at a low temperature in a special solution that maintains their vitality. 
This procedure leaves small circular wounds that scarcely bleed, that heal quickly and then become completely imperceptible.
Hair Transplant in Delhi with the FUE technique
Implantation of extracted follicular units:  extracted follicles are implanted one by one in the area to be repopulated using an instrument called implanter, which is nothing more than a very fine needle that allows a microincision to be performed and leaving the follicular unit in the inside of the scalp and to the necessary depth. 
At this point comes into play the artistic criteria of the hair transplant doctor in Delhi who must distribute the different hair follicles taking into account the number of hairs that each of them contains, the capillary density that you want to obtain and the alignment necessary for the final appearance to result more natural as possible.
Indications of the FUE Hair Technique
The selection of the candidates for the realization of a hair transplant in South Delhi by the FUE technique is based fundamentally on a criterion of realistic expectations, which depends to a large extent on the extent of the area that must be repopulated, since it is necessary to take into account that the amount of follicular units that can be obtained from the donor areas (nape and sides of the head) should be enough to cover the surface of the scalp that does not have hair. Also, we must consider the possibility of future hair loss.
The important factors regarding the hair refer to its quality, texture and color, also taking into account the color of the skin.
The FUE hair transplant in Delhi offers excellent results when small areas are repopulated, such as those marked by a scar, eyebrows, or some area of the beard. When it comes to large surfaces, such as classic male baldness, you have to combine this technique with another of FUT, in which the follicular units are obtained by cutting a strip of scalp at the nape of the neck.

Friday, 11 January 2019

Advantages of FUE Hair Transplant

Hair transplant in Delhi is offered using the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method used to densify the hair naturally and without scarring. A follicular unit (or graft) is composed of 1 to 3 hairs. The graft transplant is performed with micro punches of 0.6 to 0.8 mm in diameter: this is the MICRO FUE technique with which it is possible to perform "mega sessions" and transplant 4000 grafts (from 6000 to 10000 hairs) to obtain optimal density in a single session.

The aesthetic aspect of hair transplantation comes from the natural method of FUE transplantation, as well as the number of hair implants (a graft can contain between 1 and 3 hairs).
The absence of scars with the preservation of the capillary richness of the donor area is the advantage of the FUE hair transplant in Delhi, which during the hair transplant session has as a first step, to take grafts to restore them in the selected areas. With the FUE technique: the sample is taken from the donor, without leaving any scar or visible trace on the patient.
On the other hand, the technique FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant or in Spanish Follicular Unit Transplantation), consists of taking a band of scalp from the donor and then closing the wound. The grafts are cut on a table and re-implanted. This technique saves time but has two main disadvantages: it creates a scar on the scalp (visible with short hair). In addition, this technique called "strip" reduces capillary richness because it damages the scalp in the sampling area.  
Which technique suits me best?
The experience of professionals who perform hair transplants by FUE counts a lot on quality and speed of execution. The precision, the delicacy and the speed of execution are acquired with a lot of practice.
The microperforated FUE is also the most respectful technique for the best hair transplant in Delhi with the environment for the scalp because the thinness of the samples creates very little damage to the scalp in the donor area. The capillary wealth of the donor area is preserved without any change in it.
The inclination of the grafts will allow a new natural growth and an easy design.
The number of follicular units transplanted counts in the natural result of FUE. In humans, baldness can usually evolve up to 40 years and, in general, remains stable afterwards.
An informative meeting with hair transplant surgeon in Delhi, asks questions about the technique, the professional's experience and the conditions in which the FUE capillary transplant sessions are performed. Dr. Manas Dutt is a trained and experienced hair transplant doctor in Delhi to answer any questions you may have.

Saturday, 5 January 2019

All About FUE Hair Transplant

The technique of (hair transplant) Extraction by Follicular Unit (FUE) consists of the repositioning of hair. It is extracted from the donor area (occipital or posterior area of the skull) hair by hair from its root, to be then grafted into the recipient area, maintaining the integrity of the follicular units and imitating to the maximum the direction of their natural growth.

The hair is extracted with a punch that makes small holes of 0.8 to 1 mm in diameter, which heal without scarring a few days after the hair transplant in Delhi. The relocated hair will remain permanently, due to the genetic information they contain. There is no chance of rejection since it contains the same genetic information, which is why even if the area follicle is changed (from the donor to the recipient) our body accepts it without complications.
The procedure of hair transplant in South Delhi lasts from 4 to 8 hours depending on the number of follicular units to be transplanted, so that they have an idea, up to a thousand could be 5-6 hours and would increase the proportional time up to 8 hours with 2000. Hair transplantation is done with the application of local anesthesia so there will be no pain during the hair transplant.
The care that the patient has to have after the FUE hair transplant in Delhi is very simple, but at the same time very important to obtain the best results and get all the follicles to finish fixing well. These indications, our staff, will be explained in detail after the procedure, as well as printed so that they do not have any doubt about it.
The best hair transplant in Delhi begins to take effect from the third or fourth month, growing 1 centimeter per month, progressively improving until 12 months, which is when the final result is already appreciated.
It should be noted that hair loss is closely related to the hereditary character we have received in addition to multiple factors, but this being the most common in men, we can not ignore the prescription of appropriate products that our hair transplant doctor in Delhi recommends for delay the fall of hair that genetics is predisposed to fall, as well as to strengthen and have a healthier hair depending on the characteristics of each person.