Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Factors Responsible for the Hair Transplant in South Delhi

As we all know that the lifestyle of people living in Delhi is very hectic and stressful. They have to work day and night just to meet their work objectives. And this imbalanced lifestyle has taken them into the major concern of hair fall and this is because of the increased amount of exposure to pollution, stress, sleepless nights, following hairstyle trends, etc. According to a survey report, shedding 50 to 100 hairs in a day is considered to be normal, but, if the number of shedding hairs exceeds this ratio, then it’s a sign that you need to consult the dermatologist. Dr. Dutt is the best dermatologist in Delhi who is experienced in the medical field and has been practicing in the field of dermatology since 1982. He had successfully performed numbers of hair transplant in South Delhi. He shares the most common causes of the hair fall are the family history of baldness, unhealthy diet, and hormonal changes. There are various other factors that behave as the underlying cause of the hair loss:
·         Hair loss can be observed on a short-term basis due to the halt in the hair growth cycle. The condition can be caused due to the illness, surgeries, or traumatic situations. However, the patient overcomes from the hair loss usually just with the medications.

·         Hormonal changes are generally associated with the discontinuing the use of birth control pills, pregnancy, and menopause.
·         Hair transplant in South Delhi is strongly recommended for the patients under the medical conditions of alopecia areata and scalp infections like ringworm to permanently diagnose the conditions. If not diagnosed at the right time, the infection can spread all over the scalp resulting in the complete bald scalp.
·         A physical or emotional shock like an injury or death of the close one might also trigger the hair loss.
·         Having a family history of hair thinning or baldness is the most common cause for undergoing the hair transplant in South Delhi. Generally, the patient under this condition witnesses the hair loss at the crown or front of the scalp.

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