Monday, 24 May 2021

Hair Implant - Cure Your Baldness


A strong and healthy hair is a normal concern in men, so when the hair becomes thin or falls out, a certain degree of anxiety is generated. Early baldness is a concept that is often associated with early senility. In women this situation is even more distressing. The solution to this problem is the hair implant based on micrografts.

Baldness affects more than 45% of men over 45 years of age and in most cases, it is called androgenetic, which is hereditary and much more common in men than in women. Classically it is observed in the frontal zone, crown and tonsure of the head.

The hair transplant in Delhi is carried out using the micrograft technique that consists of taking hair follicles from a certain area to implant them where they are missing. In one session 1000 to 3000 follicles are transplanted. The hair to be implanted is obtained from the nape region from where a scalp tape is obtained and is immediately sutured. This piece is divided into thousands of units that contain one to three follicles each.

These micrografts can also be used to graft eyebrows, eyelashes and sideburns, cover scars.

Final results are seen between six and nine months after the procedure is performed.

The hair transplant in Meerut has become a frequent surgery for men. Hair is a normal concern for men, but occasionally it produces a degree of anxiety, either because it becomes thin, falls out, or turns gray. Sometimes a solution is a hair implant.


It is composed of Keratin and essentially a collection of dead cells cemented together, in the form of spirals. Keratin is the dead protein that is produced by the hair follicle. The skin contains many follicles densely planted side by side, like in a forest. It also has sweat and sebaceous glands.


Living cells of the base of the follicle capillary has an active mitotic growth. An adult has an average of 100,000 hairs. A proportion of the hair follicles are asleep or in cellular rest, part of a normal cycle, but this hair is recoverable.


  • Lanugo: soft and fine without pith or pigment
  • Hair: it is also soft and without pith, short and rarely exceeds 2 cms. long, can be pigmented.
  • Terminal hair: it is long hair, pigmented, thick and with pith. This is what we normally know as hair.


It is the technical term used to talk about hair loss. On the contrary, the abnormal excess of hair, in women and children is called hirsutism.

Androgenetic alopecia is the most common hair loss in men and women and is related to dominant genes, that is, if it is found in inherited genes, it is likely to be expressed. This occurs only in that part of the scalp that has the genetic potential to be inhibited by Androgens, the male sex hormones. This form of alopecia is typically expressed in the frontal area, crown and tonsure. This means that other areas of the scalp do not tend to fall out and remain even in the elderly, allowing to obtain genetically different hairs to be used in implants if required.



They involve aspects such as cleaning, avoiding excess greasiness, not touching the hair with the hands at all times, avoiding hats that do not allow adequate ventilation, good quality shampoo, etc.


  • Zinc-based shampoo
  • Local therapies with injections
  • Topical medications such as Minoxidil and Finasteride
  • Medications to take, such as Finasteride


  • Flaps:  Those that move a large area of ​​hair from one area of ​​the head to another. These may or may not include tissue expansion previously. Partial resections of the bald area can also be performed, thus eliminating central areas.
  • Grafts:  There are various methods for best hair transplant in Delhi, which basically consist of taking small bundles of hair (with their follicles), and putting them in another place on the scalp, giving a doll-like appearance. The grafts can have a round or square base. Occasionally it is done on a ribbon, as for the eyebrows.
  • Micro grafts:  This is the technique hair transplant surgeon in Delhi uses today. It consists of taking a scalp tape with hair from the lower part of the neck, the defect of which is immediately closed, and the 1000-3000 hairs of this piece are divided into hair follicles of one and occasionally two units. It is the only method that has given a reasonably good result, although it will depend on the characteristics of the patient.