Monday, 24 July 2017

How to Enhance your Look with Best Hair Transplant in Delhi

Advances in medical science have taught us that hair loss is a genetic trait and baldness genes are actually passed down from both sides of the family, affecting both men and women.

hair transplant

Genes of Baldness or hair fall can also skip generations and randomly affect both male and female siblings. They may even have a very different effect on siblings in the same family. In this case go for Best Hair Transplant in Delhi.

The growth of human hair is that kind of process which is complex at its extent and hair loss is based on a number of factors including health condition, environment issues, hormonal influence, and genetics. Infections, iron deficiency, autoimmune disorders and metabolic problems can also have a role in hair loss. Nutrition also plays an important role in whether or not the body is able to produce healthy hair. Scientists believe that family history and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) are key factors in Androgenetic Alopecia, or “male pattern baldness”, is X-linked and therefore largely linked to maternal genetic influence. DHT is a substance which is present in our body that can shrink the hair follicle until it becomes weaker, finer and eventually stops growing. This is the stage where you need to have a look on Best Hair Transplant in Delhi.

Hair grows at an average rate of approximately half an inch per month. One single strand of hair is comprised of multiple microscopic, components; all of which contribute to the body’s ability to grow and maintain healthy hair. Our body produces three different varieties of hair; the type of hair which is found on the human scalp is known as terminal hair.

Humans are constantly in a state of growing and losing our hair. The scalp sheds hair that is dead or damaged on a daily basis. One of the common trends that is seen as individuals advance in age and begin to lose primary terminal hairs on the scalp area is for it to be replaced with villus hairs, very similar to what was present when the individual was first born as an infant before the scalp filled in with permanent hair.

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Look Forever Young with Best Hair Transplantation in Delhi

Are you suffering from Hair Loss Problems or Baldness? If that is so, then you are not the only one. Hair Loss problem was prevalent mainly amongst the middle aged only about a decade ago.
hair transplant
However, the entire scenario has changed dramatically, with growing numbers of both males and females suffering from this menace of rapid hair loss. Hair transplantation not only imparted to male but also to females.  The ultimate treatment for hair loss is hair transplantation, also known as hair grafting. We being one of the Best hair transplantation in Delhi clinics specialize in Hair Transplant Surgery.
Causes of Hair Loss
The hair loss problem may have several causes some of which may be on account of hormonal reasons like Androgenic Alopecia. Studies show it causes up to 70% of hair loss in males and 40% of hair losses in females. Others may be lifestyle factors like excessive stress, regularly skipping meals and lack of nutrition, excessive use of harmful hair styling products, etc. But whatever be the reason is, the popularity of hair transplantation as the best hair loss treatment has grown up by leaps and bounds.
Initial Symptoms and Types of Hair Loss
So if you are suffering from gradual thinning of hairs, circular patchy bald spots, patching scaling over the head etc., beware. They may be the initial signs of rapid hair loss and baldness and you must visit the Best Hair Transplant Center in Delhi at the right time.
Best Hair Transplant in Delhi
Hair transplantation centers in India are mainly run by the Dermatologist, general practitioners, quacks or non-medical personnel, but unfortunately not by the qualified plastic surgeons. Hair transplantation, being a delicate surgery, needs to be performed by expert, knowledgeable, and skilled surgeons. Plastic surgeons are the certified medical practitioners of Medical Council of India. Dr. Dutt and his dedicated team members in Dr. Dutt hair transplant center in Delhi assure you for good result with steady recovery. Being a plastic surgeon Dr. Dutt is always safe with surgical instruments in comparison to other non-surgeon hair transplant doctors.